Friday, October 12, 2012

Songwriting 101

The focus for this week is songwriting.  Little fact about me, I love writing - doing academic papers, writing about my day, creative writing, etc.  More recently, I've found myself becoming more and more interested in songwriting.  It's not the easiest thing in the world, but practice does make perfect.  Listed below are a few tips that I use to help me write.  (As a side-note, I'm no Taylor Swift or Dr. Luke, but writing is fun and to be able to tie it in with music makes it even better!)

1. Listen to different types of music.
2. Map out the structure of your song (intro, verse, bridge, chorus)
3. Write about something meaningful and full of emotion. - Just write like a journal
4. Figure out your message and set a mood/theme
5. You want your words to say something meaningful.  You also want your words to sing!
     - This is one of the harder steps for me because I tend to be more descriptive when writing and the words I write usually don't translate well into singing.  The words need to be smooth.
     - You can rhyme if you like, similar to a poem, but I don't think it's necessary.  You want something catchy and original!
6. Try to find a hook! Also make sure to create a balance between repetition and variety.
7. Get feedback to help you smooth out the rough edges.
8. Don't stop! Remember practice makes perfect.

One thing I noticed about songwriting and pretty much writing in general is to always be ready.  Ideas come at some of the most oddest of places and times.  (Studies have shown we're more creative at night!)   Thankfully I always have my smartphone on me, as well as, the Evernote app to help me manage these crazy ideas.
While I'm not sure if I'll ever post a song written by me, we can all rejoice in the music.
(Since it is Halloween in a few weeks.  The raps in this particular song are really catchy too!)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You are an artist! I remenber words of an artist who I know in Japan. He compose a song every full moon nights. Night and moon have inspired many great artists since ancienttime.I would like to listen your music next time!
